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“Grown Right Here” throughout the store!
At Pilgrim’s Farm and Market Garden, we are growing healthy foods right behind the store in the heart of Coeur d’Alene and delivering them directly to your shopping cart. Our Grown Right Here (GRH) greens, vegetables, herbs, berries, and more are produced in a small space combining agriculture and horticulture concepts to bring you the freshest, Certified Organic produce possible.

In 2019, Pilgrim’s Farm became Certified Organic through the Idaho State Department of Agriculture (ISDA), and each year, we’ve maintained and grown our certification to include more products and develop practices unique to us. We have worked diligently to be able to label our products Certified Organic, and, due to our intentionality and uncommon structure, our Farm Manager was appointed to the ISDA’s Idaho Organics Advisory Committee. We are proud to offer you this assurance on every item we produce.
Growing farm to table produce behind a grocery store has been a learning experience for us, for the City of Coeur d’Alene, for our community, and for our customers. Along the way, we’ve experienced failures and successes, and we’ve learned that a farm’s only as successful as the people who work it. We’re building a sustainable team that grows with our veggies year after year, and we’re sharing what we’ve learned from working in the dirt with our community through farm tours, presentations, social media posts, and a wealth of resources, available for the asking. Let’s build a future of sustainable food, together.